Interview with Ryan McKeen

Interview with Ryan McKeen

By Lawyer Minds | May 8, 2020 | Interviews

Ryan McKeen is man of many talents. He continues to run a decades-old blog that pushes out new unique content about legal topics in his home state of Connecticut. He manages Connecticut Trial Firm, which he founded and has now grown to nine team members. He is a frequent lecturer and speaker on topics ranging […]

Interview with Render Freeman

Interview with Render Freeman

By Lawyer Minds | May 6, 2020 | Interviews

Render Freeman handles catastrophic personal injury nationwide and is a partner at Andersen Tate Carr, based in Atlanta. When speaking with Render about his cases, you immediately feel the passion and genuine care he has for his clients and in his pursuit of justice on their behalf. And for those who know Render, they’ll tell […]

Interview with John Fisher

Interview with John Fisher

By Lawyer Minds | May 4, 2020 | Interviews

John Fisher is a medical malpractice attorney practicing at John H. Fisher, P.C. in upstate New York. Countless attorneys will tell you that John Fisher’s work has impacted their lives. Through the Mastermind Experience, as well as his books (Power of a System & The Law Firm of Your Dreams), his newsletters, and his site […]

Interview with Kevin Coluccio

Interview with Kevin Coluccio

By Lawyer Minds | May 1, 2020 | Interviews

Kevin’s dedication to his craft comes from years of learning the value of hard work. Growing up on a family farm and then working at an Alaskan cannery in between college and law school have embedded in Kevin a sense of pride in everything he does. Every case that Kevin works on at Coluccio Law […]

Interview with Rob Sachs

Interview with Rob Sachs

By Lawyer Minds | Apr 29, 2020 | Interviews

There are a few things you learn about Rob after interacting with him for a short while: First, his absolute dedication to his family is obvious. His unwavering commitment to his clients, his firm, and his community are without bounds. And, he’s an absolute machine when he’s rowing! Rob’s excellence in the courtroom through the […]

Interview with J. Ashwin Madia

Interview with J. Ashwin Madia

By Lawyer Minds | Apr 27, 2020 | Interviews

Ashwin Madia’s background speaks for itself: NYU School of Law, Marine Corps JAG, Congressional Candidate. When you dig deeper, though, you began to see one quality that makes up Ashwin’s core: A complete dedication to public service. In his free time at NYU Law School, Ashwin assisted battered women seeking protection, unemployed workers who needed […]

Interview with Chris Finney

Interview with Chris Finney

By Lawyer Minds | Apr 24, 2020 | Interviews

If you know Chris Finney, then you know he was born to try cases. Considered by many to be one of the brightest and best young trial lawyers in the country, Chris has racked up a number of seven figure verdicts and settlements in just the last twelve months alone. More importantly, Chris is dedicated […]

Interview with Mark D. Prince

Interview with Mark D. Prince

By Lawyer Minds | Apr 22, 2020 | Interviews

Mark Prince runs a solo boutique personal injury practice in Marion, Illinois. In reading his interview, we think you will see how Mark’s motivation to become a trial lawyer is something we can all relate to: A desire to get justice for those who are mistreated. Mark’s passion for justice bleeds into everything he does, […]

Welcome to Lawyer Minds

Welcome to Lawyer Minds

By Lawyer Minds | Apr 20, 2020 | News

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” – C.S. Lewis For years, our co-founder, Ryan Raplee, has been working with lawyers developing their marketing and online strategies, but it always seemed like his clients relied on him for much more.  […]

Interview with Tad Thomas

Interview with Tad Thomas

By Lawyer Minds | Apr 20, 2020 | Interviews

If you’ve attended a CLE for trial lawyers in the past several years you’ve likely heard this phrase: “And our next presenter is Tad Thomas.” Tad has become one of most sought-after CLE speakers in the country, presenting on topics ranging from technology in the courtroom and litigation skills to modern law practice management. Tad […]
